Skimming off the top (part 2)

Skimming off the top (part 2) In my last post I began ‘skimming off the top’ of the data, highlighting what are the common/modal responses to most questions.  As promised here’s part 2 covering more of the questions. ********** Questions 33-38 all focused on a what I believe is a constant -though evolving- issue for most aid workers, namely how to communicate what they do to those most important to them:  their significant others, children, family and friends. We all have a basic need to be understood by those around us, and the closer that person is to us, the more important that need.  All aid and development workers tend to compartmentalize to a greater or lesser extent just to get by, but the coping mechanism of separating the ‘job me’ and the ‘relationship me’ is inherently disingenuous and potentially a red flag in any relationship.  Being in a primary group with someone … Continue reading Skimming off the top (part 2)